St. Bishoy's Servants Prep. is a 2-year program
1 every Summer – for a day or two, will include additional topics which are relevant to servants prep.
Year 1, Practicum 1 for 12hrs.
Year 2, Practicum 2 for 12hrs.
1st Year (3 Modules)
Servants 101
Characteristics of a servant 1
- Characteristics of a servant 2
- Servant 101
Leading a child to Christ
Making decisions in life
- Life of Fellowship - Koinonia
The Holy Bible
- How to study the Holy Bible?
- An Introduction to the OT 1
- An Introduction to the OT 2
- Messianic Prophets
- Comparison of the Gospels
- Acts - Missionary Trips
- Epistles
- Revelation
Dogmatic Theology
- The Existence of God
- The Holy Trinity
- The Divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ
- The Divinity of The Holy Spirit
- Sacraments 1
- Sacraments 2
2nd Year (4 Modules)
Dogmatic Theology 2
- The fall of Adam & Eve
- Conditions for Salvation
- Striving and Grace
- The Virgin Mary / Intercession
Church History
- The world in which Christianity was born
- Church history in the 2nd and 3rd centuries
- The Church in the 4th century and beyond 1
- The Church in the 4th century and beyond 2
- The Holy Tradition
Comparative Theology
The Catholic Church / The Protestant Church
- Jehovah's Witnesses
- Mormons / 7th Day Adventist
- Judaism / Islam / Hinduism / Buddhism
- The Spirit of Service
- Spiritual Theology
Preparation of SS lessons
- Presentation Skills / Lesson Preparation