
St. Bishoy's Servants Prep. is a 2-year program


1 every Summer – for a day or two, will include additional topics which are relevant to servants prep.


Year 1, Practicum 1 for 12hrs.
Year 2, Practicum 2 for 12hrs.


1st Year  (3 Modules)

Servants 101

  1. Characteristics of a servant 1

  2. Characteristics of a servant 2
  3. Servant 101
  4. Leading a child to Christ

  5. Making decisions in life

  6. Life of Fellowship - Koinonia

The Holy Bible

  1. How to study the Holy Bible?
  2. An Introduction to the OT 1
  3. An Introduction to the OT 2
  4. Messianic Prophets
  5. Comparison of the Gospels
  6. Acts - Missionary Trips
  7. Epistles
  8. Revelation

Dogmatic Theology

  1. The Existence of God
  2. The Holy Trinity
  3. The Divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ
  4. The Divinity of The Holy Spirit
  5. Sacraments 1
  6. Sacraments 2

2nd Year (4 Modules)

Dogmatic Theology 2

  1. The fall of Adam & Eve
  2. Conditions for Salvation
  3. Striving and Grace
  4. The Virgin Mary / Intercession

Church History

  1. The world in which Christianity was born
  2. Church history in the 2nd and 3rd centuries
  3. The Church in the 4th century and beyond 1
  4. The Church in the 4th century and beyond 2
  5. The Holy Tradition

Comparative Theology

  1. The Catholic Church / The Protestant Church

  2. Jehovah's Witnesses
  3. Mormons / 7th Day Adventist
  4. Judaism / Islam / Hinduism / Buddhism


  1. The Spirit of Service
  2. Spiritual Theology
  3. Preparation of SS lessons

  4. Presentation Skills / Lesson Preparation