- "Mentors" are: George Shehata, Nelly Menshawy, Fiby Shehata., Nancy Azer, John Rizk
- Each will be assigned a group of Youth Servants Preparation youth who they will follow as they rotate through different services.
- Class servant to assign lesson to SP youth at Youth Servant at least 2-weeks in advance. Assigned mentor to be informed and as needed communicate with the SP youth servant to help them with preparation.
- SP Youth servant to prepare lesson, material, activity and anything else related to the delivery of the lesson.
- 1-week before lesson delivery date, SP youth servant to send lesson plan, PowerPoint PowerPoint and any other relevant material to Mentor & Class servant for their review.
- Mentor to Youth servant will be responsible for setting up a 30 minutes with SP youth the mentor and class servant (if they wish) for dry run, review and feedback.
- SP youth Youth servant to incorporate feedback and any changes which may be required in their delivery.
- If necessary, any feedback post-lesson will be provided by class servant. Mentor to follow-up occasionally with class servant for general feedback and to work plans needed to:
- Help SP youth servants with skill development
- Encourage and increase their confidence and communication skills with children and other servants.