Student NameStudent Nametrue Chapter 28: “THE RIGHTEOUS ARE BOLD AS A LION” 1) “Evil men do not understand _______, but those who seek the Lord understand _____.” long-fieldfalseCh28_Q10Q14true 2) “One who turns away his ear from hearing the ____, even his _________ is an abomination.” long-fieldfalseCh28_Q20Q24true 3) What is the result of turning away from hearing the law? long-fieldfalseCh28_Q30Q34true 4) What does a man with an evil eye do? long-fieldfalseCh28_Q40Q44true 5) When we only confess our sins, will we receive mercy? Explain Verse 13 long-fieldfalseCh28_Q50Q54true 6) Who is considered a companion to a destroyer? long-fieldfalseCh28_Q60Q64true Memorize Verse 13: “He who covers his sins will not prosper, But whoever confesses and forsakes them will have mercy."