Student NameStudent Nametrue Chapter 22: “RICHNESS & POVERTY” 1) “The _______ and the _______ have this in common; the Lord is the _______ of them all. long-fieldfalseCh22_Q10Q14true 2) When a prudent man foresees evil, he _____________ stands up to itfaces ithides himselfdeals with itfalsefalse4Q2truefalsefalsefaces ithides himselfstands up to itCh22_Q2deals with itfalse 3) What the rich and poor have in common? long-fieldfalseCh22_Q30Q34true 4) When a prudent man foresees evil, what should he do? long-fieldfalseCh22_Q40Q44true 5) How can we attain honor and life? long-fieldfalseCh22_Q50Q54true 6) Why we should not make friendship with angry men? long-fieldfalseCh22_Q60Q64true 7) What do you learn from Verse 6? long-fieldfalseCh22_Q70Q74true Memorize Verse 6: “Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it”