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For the duration of this talk let's play a thought experiment. Let's say this is not a servant's prep meeting, rather it is a servants meeting. We've all been serving for a while. Some of us are serving Sunday School classes. Some of us are organizing conventions. Some of us are doing community work. Let's put ourselves in that lens as we delve deeper into this topic.
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What is Service?
- Serving the Lord of the House and not the House
- And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not unto men; knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ (Colossians 3:23-24)
- John 21:15-17
5 So when they had eaten breakfast, Jesus said to Simon Peter, “Simon, son of [b]Jonah, do you love Me more than these?”
He said to Him, “Yes, Lord; You know that I [c]love You.”
He said to him, “Feed My lambs.”
16 He said to him again a second time, “Simon, son of [d]Jonah, do you love Me?”
He said to Him, “Yes, Lord; You know that I [e]love You.”
He said to him, “Tend My sheep.”
17 He said to him the third time, “Simon, son of [f]Jonah, do you [g]love Me?” Peter was grieved because He said to him the third time, “Do you love Me?”
And he said to Him, “Lord, You know all things; You know that I love You.”
Jesus said to him, “Feed My sheep.
- Love of the Lord is shown through feeding his sheep
- Works come later. Salvation is a gift. And we are created for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them. (Ephesians 2:8-10)
- We do not earn God's love and Salvation through our work. God's love is what leads me to the path of doing the works which God has prepared for me since the beginning.
- This implies I should put a lot of effort in my relationship with God.
- Service is like painting a picture of the Love of God in my life.
- The clearer I see God's love in my life the more beautiful the painting will be
- Each person will draw a unique painting. My painting will be different than yours
- People should see the painting and say I want that type of love in my life.