Our mission is:

  • To learn and benefit from the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ, saints lives, and spiritual fathers in a safe, loving, and respectful atmosphere.
  • To encourage Biblical knowledge, nurture active faith, develop Christian life and leadership skills.
  • Teach our children to love, respect and take pride in their Coptic Orthodox Church.
  • To maintain the holiness and spirituality of our Coptic Orthodox Church.


  • Due to the current situation, all Summer Activities will be Virtually. 
  • The Mahragan consists of Spiritual lessons, Hymns, Coptic, and memorization.
  • In addition to the spiritual content, we have lots of activities the kids can join either on a specific time weekly or they can do it independently on their own time.
  • PK-Grade 2 have their own arranged activities (no need to sign up)
  • Grades 3 and up have different activities.  The kids need to sign up


Spiritual: Book (Lessons only)

Hymns Text: Amen Amen Amen

Hymns Audio: Amen Amen Amen

Coptic: Text

Memorization: Holy God

Grade 1-2

Spiritual: Book

Hymns Text: Heten ni (fast tone)

Hymns Audio :Heten ni (fast tone)

Coptic: Text

Memorization: Part of Gospel of 3rd hour/ alphabet verses

Grade 3-4

Spiritual: G3 Book (lessons only)

Spiritual: G4 Book (lessons only)


Lesson 2-ppt

lesson 3-ppt

Lesson 4-St Peter

Lesson 5-vedio the Orbana

Hymns: text: Psalm 150

Hymns Audio : Psalm 150

Coptic: Text

Memorization G3: Hail to you      Books of the old testament

Memorization G4: Gospel of 6th hour

Grade 9-up

Spiritual: Book     book2

Hymns Text: The Fourth Canticle (Psalm 148)

Hymns Audio: The Fourth Canticle (Psalm 148)

Coptic: Please check grade 7-8

Memorization: Gospel of the Second watch of the midnight hour

Online Activities-->Signup here

Participant Name

Participant's Phone number (if available)

7:00pm - 7:45pm8:15pm - 9:00pm

Select ONE activity

Select ONE activity

7:00pm - 7:45pm8:15pm - 9:00pm

Select ONE activity

Select ONE activity

Supplies needed for the online activities. Varies between $10-$30 depending on activity chosen

Independent Activities

Participants can choose any one of these independent activities and work on it on their own time.  Please follow the assigned guidelines for each activity.  Please note that Participants will be competing with their same grade Participants for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places.  All independent activities are for grade 3 and above.

For General questions regarding participating in independent activities, please contact Fiby Mina

For questions regarding a specific activity, please contact the activity Coordinator



Magdalia Reyad  Email: magdaliar.2003@gmail.com


The Research Competition is an opportunity for participants to go deeper in their faith. They will research, exchange ideas, and improve their communication skills.


  • The research paper must be related to our Coptic Orthodox faith.

  • A bibliography must also be included with the submission.

  • All research papers must be the student’s original work. Plagiarism is strictly prohibited and will negatively affect your mark.

  • Page count per Grade:

    • Gr.3 and 4: 2-3 pages 

    • Gr.5 and 6: 3-4 pages

    • Gr.7 and 8: 4-5 pages 

    • Gr. 9 and 10: 5-6 pages

Group Participants

  • Groups Participating should not be more than 3 participants
  • Groups Participating should be from the same grade

  • Groups participating should have only one submission.

  • The work must be divided evenly
  • Please note that in case of participating in group submission, the Prize will be divided evenly among participants.

Submission Guidelines:

  • Submissions must be in Times New Roman 12 point font and double spaced.
  • Name/s and Grade should be written in the Header
  • Page numbers should be included
  • Send your work to
  • Deadline: August 15, 2020

Steps to do research:

  • Select a topic and think of a specific point (have a question your research will answer)

  • Choose appropriate resources (books, online resource, etc.)

  • Identify the key information you will use and its source (through highlighting, annotating, etc.)

  • Reword the key information in your own words

  • Add the reworded information to your final copy

  • Include your source in your bibliography 

Research Topics:

  • Coptic Church Liturgies

  • How to Prepare for Communion
  • The Holy Sacraments
  • Rites of the Liturgy
  • Books of the Church (Bible, Agpeya, Katamares, etc)
  • The Holy Bible
  • Doctrine of Incarnation and Redemption
  • Titles, Symbols and Feasts of St Mary
  • Intercession Dogma
  • Major and Minor Feasts of the Lord
  • Any Biblical Character with Historical Significance (Maximum 2 characters)
  • How to Benefit from your Time in a Healthy Way


  • Writing Conventions (Spelling, punctuation and grammar): 10%
  • Organization: 15%
  • Information:  15%
  • Quality Of Research Information: 15%
  • Theological Accuracy: 10%
  • Bibliography: 10%
  • Presentation of the Research: 15%
  • Connection of Research with The Theme: 10%
Creative Writing


Raphael Shehata   Email: raphaelshehata@outlook.com

General Rules

  • Submit your entry by August 15, 2020
  • Email it to raphaelshehata@outlook.com with the subject line including your name and what type of entry you are making (ie: Raphael Shehata; Short Story)
  • Have it submitted typed into a google doc so that it can be properly edited https://docs.google.com
  • Font size must be 12
  • Single space
  • Must have a title in 16 point font and bolded
  • No funny fonts, the text must be legible
  • Plagiarism and copying will be automatically disqualified

Short Story Rules

  • This will be FICTION, as in you make it up
  • Minimum 800 words
  • Maximum 2500 words
  • Do not use real people that you know in the stories
  • Keep your stories appropriate
  • Please indent every paragraph
  • Adventure, Horror, Comedy, Romance etc, all genres are okay

Non-Fiction Rules

  • This will be NONFICTION, as in based on something true
  • Minimum 1000 words
  • Maximum 2000 words
  • Keep it appropriate
  • Please indent every paragraph
  • Personal stories

Poem Rules

  • Poetry has no standard length or form
  • You are allowed to pick whatever type of poem you would like to write
  • Keep it appropriate, DO NOT plagiarize these especially


Clara Gobrial   Email: claraayman736@gmail.com


This competition is intended to encourage the creativity and technical ability of the participants and to utilize the latest technology in serving God in a Christian context.


  • Choose ONE of the projects below and make sure to relate it to the theme of the Mahragan "My Church.....Spirit and Life".

    • Graphics: Create a computer image. Suggested Programs: Photoshop or Twisted Brush

    • Multimedia: Create a video or a slideshow. Suggested Programs: Windows Movie Maker or PowerPoint

    • Computer Game: Create a Coptic Christian computer game. Suggested Program: Game Maker 8

    • Mobile Application: Create a mobile app for teaching purposes.  Suggested topic: Coptic, Bible stories, Church traditions . Suggested Program: Qt Creator

  • All projects must be the original work of the participant and should reflect his or her creative ability. Plagiarism is strictly prohibited and will negatively affect your mark.

  • All resources used should be consistent with our Orthodox beliefs, whether images, movies, songs or data. All references should be included.

Group Participants:
  • Groups Participating should not be more than 3 participants
  • Groups Participating should be from the same grade

  • Groups participating should have only one submission.

  • The work must be divided evenly
  • Please note that in case of participating in group submission, the Prize will be divided evenly among participants.

Submission Guidelines:

  • At the final submission, the project must be handed on CD, DVD, our USB and cannot be submitted by email.
  • During the final presentation, the participant must bring his/her own laptop ready to run the multimedia project for evaluation.


Topic/Content: 50%

Technical Capability: 25%

Oral Presentation Skills: 25%

Public Speaking


Carol Kawkab   Email: carolkawkab123@gmail.com


Public speaking is a skill that everyone needs at some point in their academic or professional career. For the Mahragan public speaking competition, please prepare and deliver a 5-10 minute informative speech with accompanying visual aids.


  1. Choose an appropriate topic for an informative speech.  We recommend choosing a topic you're familiar enough with that you can comfortably fill a 5-10 minute time period. Remember that the purpose of an informative speech is to educate those listening to you on your topic of choice. Informative speeches can be about objects, persons, processes, concepts or an event.
  2. Choose appropriate visual aids that would work best for your presentation, such as slideshows, poster boards, demonstrations, etc. If you choose to do a slideshow, please use PowerPoint or a suitable alternative (such as Google Slides).  You may refer to notes or index cards during the speech; however, please be sure to maintain eye contact.
  3. Please use at least two valid sources, especially to support any facts, figures, data, or statistics you use. These sources should be properly cited in your presentation.

Here are some allotted time for the different grades speeches:

​→ Grades 1-2 must present for at least 3 minutes

Participants can select a passage from the Bible

​→ Grades 3-4 must present for at least 4-5 minutes

Participants to create informative speech related to Mahragan Theme

​→ Grades 5-8 must present for at least 5-7 minutes

Participants to create informative speech related to Mahragan Theme

Submission Guidelines:



Mahragan Public speaking rubric (1).webp



Marina Attala  Email: marinattalla10@gmail.com


 This competition is intended to stimulate creativity within a Christian context while competing with other Mahragan participants


 Choose one of the projects below and make sure to relate it to the theme of the Mahragan " My Church, Spirit and life"

  • Dry Media: Any two-dimensional work done with dry media such as pencil, pastel, crayon, charcoal, etc. or combination done on paper or other flat surfaces.
  • Oil/Acrylic Painting: Any oil based or synthetic based (such as acrylic) painting done on a two-dimensional surface such as canvas or hardboard.
  • Photography: Any image created by the use of camera, whether film or digital. Images must be printed on paper no smaller than 8x10 inches.
  • Sculpture/Carving: Three-dimensional sculptural work created by carving or modeling. These kind of projects must be sturdy, properly structured and able to free stand, the overall mark will be negatively affected if the structure is weak & flimsy.
  • Wet Media Painting: Any water based media such as transparent watercolor, opaque watercolor, water based tempera or any combination of these done on a two-dimensional surface.
  • Woodwork: Wood pieces formed by the use of mechanical aids such as saws, sanders, etc.
  • Handcraft: Any handmade item with artistic emphasis that does not fit into any other category such as mosaic, stained glass or pottery paint.

All parts of the Art projects must be the original work of the presenter/s and should reflect his or her creative ability and cannot include any printed or copied images from books, magazines, catalogues, newspapers, the internet etc.

Group Participants

  • Groups Participating in Arts should not be more than 3 participants.
  • Groups Participating should be from the same grade.

  • Groups participating should have only one submission.

  • All Participants should participate evenly
  • Please note that in case of participating in group submission, the Prize will be divided evenly among participants.

Submission Guidelines

  • At the final presentation, all work must be clearly labelled with the name(s) of the participant(s), grade, and a brief explanation of the project.
  • The participant(s) are required to commit to all art competition guideline and deadline.
  • Deadline: August 15, 2020
  • All Participants should be responsible for their projects before, during and after presentation. 


Nancy Khalil   Email: nancygh83@hotmail.com


  • Create Saint George church on Minecraft education version (creative mode).
  • You can find the real measurements of the church using Google Maps ( see video attached). Minecraft instruction video
  • For every meter you will use one block on Minecraft.
  • Add as much details as possible to the church from the inside and the outside.
  • Have fun and be creative.
  • Deadline: August 15, 2020


If you chose to buy your own supplies, here is the list of the supplies needed for activities that require supplies

Baking: will use ingredients available at home

Diamond Painting: Diamond Painting Kit

Multiple Canvas Painting: 3 medium Canvas, Acrylic Paint, 3 different sizes paint brushes

Pebble Rocks Projects: 3 sizes Pebble Rocks, Acrylic paint, lots of green paint, metallic pens, colored pens for decoration, wood heart, yarn, 3 hanging hooks, glue gun, glue sticks, hard canvas

Latch Hook: Latch Hook Kit, hook

String Art: 2 wood blocks, hammer, nails, colored yarn, paint, sand paper

Pom Pom Area Rug: Plastic mat, Colored Yarn, glue gun, glue sticks