Blog from July, 2020

For Kids:

General Sunday School Rules:

  • Masks will be required as servants and children enter and move around the church.
  • Sanitize hands upon entry to the church buildings. There are sanitizer stations positioned at rear and front entry doors.
  • Register your name with the servants or ushers.
  • Respect and follow all the rules and obey servants or ushers’ directions:
    • Always maintain a 2-meter social distance.
    • No moving around the church facility unless directed to by class servants or ushers.
      • Remain seated in your assigned spot unless directed by the servants or ushers.
      • No food or drink are allowed during Sunday School time. If necessary, please bring your own water bottle as water fountains will not be accessible.

Washroom rules:

  • Only one person is allowed in the washrooms at any given time.
  • Sanitize hands after returning from the washroom.
  • Return to your assigned seat.

Dismissal rules:

  • Once dismissed, please exit the church building as directed by the servants or ushers (no waiting in the hallways, gym, classrooms, washrooms etc.)
  • Please use entry and exit doors assigned for your group and follow servants or ushers’ directions.

For Parents/Families:

  • Please refrain from bringing your child to church if he/she is sick and/or experiencing any one of the following symptoms: coughing, sneezing, runny nose, fever, problems breathing etc.
  • The ushers are directed to not admit a child who exhibits any of the above symptoms.
  • Drop-off and pick-up times will be staggered for the different class groups and communicated by the class servants to families in each group. Please arrive on time for drop-off and pick-up to avoid crowding.
  • Please wait in the car to drop-off and pick-up your child from Sunday School. Waiting area designated as the rear parking of the church.
  • Families and parents are not allowed into the church premises during Sunday School and if they must enter, a mask is required.
  • We all miss our friends and our normal social life. However, we must ensure the church facility adheres to guidelines provided by the health authorities. Please refrain from waiting and socializing in the church parking lot and only use for drop-off and pick-up.
  • There are outdoor public park facilities close the church which families can use to socialize while they wait for their children to finish Sunday School.

For Servants and Ushers:

General Admission:

  • Register all servants and children as they are dropped-off and provide names lists at the end of the day to the designated servant for record.
  • Observe children as they are dropped-off to ensure no obvious symptoms such as coughing, sneezing, runny nose, fever, problems etc.
    • Use the provided non-contact thermometer to take body temperature.
    • If in doubt, do not admit the child and ask the class servant to talk with the parents.
  • The coordinator for each group in collaboration with the group servants will provide an occupancy plan. Direct kids to their respective location accordingly.
    • Location the group will be meeting in (Gym, church, food hall, playground etc.)
    • Entry and exit points for each group.
  • Masks to be worn during the service inside the church buildings.

Sanitization & End of Service Cleaning:

  • Spray all seats
  • Spray any high touch areas as needed (door handles, sanitizer handles, back table, crying room bench if used etc.)
  • Fill all empty spray bottles with more cleaning solution (15mL disinfectant per 1L water)
  • Check stock and levels and inform responsible servant as soon as possible:
    • Hand sanitizer dispensers 
    • Portable hand sanitizers 
    • Chemical solution 
    • Masks