Blog from September, 2019

Dear Servants:

This Sunday, Sept. 15th we will have an all-servants meeting. This is an important meeting for everyone to participate-in as it will be the last one before we start the new classes on Sept 21st.

Start time: 12:30 PM (After liturgy)

Finish time: 2:00 PM


  • Group Payer and Hymn
  • General session for overall distribution, organization, class locations and plan
  • Break-out session for each group with their respective coordinator to discuss plans for the new year:
    • Nancy - Babies to grade 3
    • Fiby - Grades 4-6
    • Amir - Grades 7-11
    • Steve - Grades 12 - Youth

Please make every effort to attend and share with your prayers and input for the success of this service.