Get ready for an activity filled Summer


Please sign-up by June 30th, 2019. Fill out the form here: Grade 8 - 12 Summer Activities (Defunct)

Summer Activities

Friday July 5th

Start of Summer Activities (occurs every friday)

  • Opening ceremony for everyone (gr 8 - 12)
Friday July 26thSpend the day at an outdoor activity
August 2nd - 5th

NWCYC convention for grades 9 and up.

Note early bird price ends on June 25th. So sign up early

August 16thSpend the day at an outdoor activity
August 23rd - 25thGrade 9-10 Retreat
August 30thLast day of Summer activity



Finally, be ye all of one mind, having compassion one of another, love as brethren, be pitiful, be courteous (1 Peter 3:8)

Friday Summer Activity General Layout

The Fridays which we're not outside the day will look as follows

7:30pmIce breaker all togetherFun activity that we can all do when we meet.
8:00pmSpiritual activity

20-30mins  Bible study

8:30pmTopic ActivityMain Topic activity. Fun activity with a purpose
9:00pmGames/TournamentsDodge-ball, card games, basketball, etc
10:00pmConclusion to the day

10 mins conclusion for the day

Be Heard

Fill out the form here for outing suggestions: Grade 8 - 12 Outdoor Activities Suggestion Form